Espoma Organic Alfalfa Meal
- All Natural & Organic
- Enhances growth & blooming
- Apply directly to soils or make Alfalfa tea fertilizer
Can be used anywhere in the garden or landscape including for roses, flowers,trees, shrubs, fruits & vegetables.
For Trees & Shrubs feed Spring & Fall.
For roses, flowers, fruits & vegetables feed monthly through the growing season.
How much to use:
Application Rates:
Apply 1 cup per plant in the early spring. Repeat application when blooms appear. Use 1/3 rate for miniature roses.
Vegetable & Flower Beds:
Prior to planting: apply 5 lbs. per 100 sq. ft. and work into the top 4” of soil.
Established plants: Apply ½ to one cup per plant.
Fertilizer Tea:
Use 2 cups in 5 gallons of water and allow the mixture to steep in a covered container for 4 to 5 days. Stir the mixture daily. Apply I gallon of finished tea to roses and other plants in the spring. Use 1/3 gallon for miniature roses and smaller plants. Remaining solid material can be applied around plants in the garden.
Trees & Shrubs:
Shrubs: Apply one cup per foot of branch spread in the spring. Repeat in the late fall at half spring rate.
Trees: Apply one lb. per inch of trunk diameter out around the drip line of tree.
How to apply:
Sprinkle on the soil surface around the drip line and then water.